Suburbs in America have the potential to be great, but they lag behind their European counterparts.

If you found this website, it's likely you live in an American suburb, and that's okay; we do too. Suburbs are not evil. There is nothing wrong with development outside of city centers. Suburbs have existed in one form or another since the dawn of civilization.

However, development as it exists in America today could be improved upon significantly. This is not a political statement; researchers, economists, and planners across the country agree that the way we've been building things since the 1950s is objectively economically, environmentally, and socially detrimental.

Things don't have to stay this way. The first step in creating adequate suburban environments is learning about what they're like now, and how things could be better. Click on "Problems" to learn about what's wrong with modern, American, car-centric suburban sprawl. Once you've done that, click on "Solutions" to learn what you and the members of your community can do about it.